Key Strategy - Individual Determination & Creativity

Our commitment to our students and community

Key Strategies - Individual Determination & Creativity

Encourage, develop, and strengthen student independence, perseverance, creativity, and a willingness to take risks and embrace new ideas, laying the foundation for continuous learning.

SAT MV Proficiency Rate Compared to State Rate

Percent of 9th Grade Students on Track to Graduate

Percent of Students NOT at Risk (At Risk=Missing 10% or more of the school year)

Percent of Students NOT at Risk (At Risk=at least 1 Out of School Suspension OR 2 In School Suspensions)

Percent of Students NOT at Risk (At Risk=Not earning credit in one or more classes)

CEE Student Survey—Skills & Dispositions that Support Success MV Percent Positive Compared to Schools Nationwide

Perseverance & Grit

Self-Efficacy & Mindset

Critical Thinking

Four Year Graduation Rate Disaggregated by Groups